Farewell Brothers

It is with somber feelings that we must announce that our brothers in Crazy Horse Lodge will no longer be members of Section G11. Having been members of our Section since 2018, the arrowmen from Crazy Horse have been instrumental to our success and will be surely missed. 


Crazy Horse Lodge Chief Grace Belcher wanted to share some parting words about her time in our Section.


When I first joined the Order of the Arrow, our section was called Section C-1A. I remember the first conclave I went to vividly. I had just joined, so I didn’t know very many people even in my Lodge, but I felt welcome and appreciated at Section Conclave with so many more people. The leadership in Section G11 has always been welcoming to our Lodge way out in the middle of nowhere, and this was especially evident when last year the Section Leadership made the long trip to join us for our Winter Banquet and enjoy our fellowship.


The two conclaves I’ve been to, I enjoyed meeting the people in my section and being able to make lasting memories. One of my favorites was getting to be a part of the powwows both times I attended Section Conclave. It was a beautiful ceremony that I have never been able to experience anywhere else.


I was very disappointed not to be able to attend the past conclave, due to a medical condition. especially since it was going to be our last one. But I was thrilled to have been able to help plan the event and contribute one last time to Section G11!


We at Crazy Horse are going to miss all our friends at Section G11. We have made so many memories together, and we hope to stay connected throughout the different changes in the OA!


Wishing you all the best and hope to see you at NOAC 2024! 


Yours in Brotherhood,

Grace Belcher

Crazy Horse Lodge Chief