Section Leadership

Section Chief

Gavin Nathe

Vigil Honor

Gavin is a past Chief for Naguonabe Lodge. Gavin currently works for Comcast.

Section Vice Chief

Chris Nelson

Vigil Honor

Chris is a past Lodge Chief of Wahpekute Lodge as well as past Section G11 Secretary. Chris studies Criminal Justice at MSU-Mankato.

Section Secretary

Forrest Olson

Vigil Honor

Forrest also serves as the Totanhan Nakaha Lodge Chief. Forrest studies Music Education at Gustavus Adolphus College.

Section Adult Advisers

Section Adviser

Phil Jensen

Vigil Honor

Phil was recently a lodge adviser in Ka’Niss Ma’Ingan Lodge. Much less recently he was a section chief. Outside of the OA, he is a den leader and a council commissioner.

Section Assoc Adviser

Kyle Roberts

Vigil Honor

Kyle is a former Lodge Chief from Pa-Hin Lodge and past Section Officer of Section C-1A.