2023 Conclave Theme selected “Chopping through Cuyuna”

Thanks to all who joined us at the Winter Council of Chiefs (CoC). We had a great time and were able to accomplish a lot

One of the key items was setting our Conclave theme — this year’s theme will be a lumberjack theme called “Chopping through Cuyuna”

Look for lumberjack themed activities as get ready to go “back to the basics” of Scouting — wilderness skills, core Scout skills and more!

Conclave will be Sept 29th – Oct 1st at Cuyuna Scout Camp

  • Early-Bird Discount price of $45 if registered before Sept 18th
  • Regular price of $55 for all registrations after that date
  • Sign-up early and get your Patch to wear all summer!
  • Look to your Lodge for registrations (coming soon)